Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer time and the livin' is easy.....

How smart was it to start a new blog in the summertime when the kids are out of school and craziness ensues?! Not the smartest thing I have ever done, but not the dumbest either;)

I have decided that I have to take a break from reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. I am so enthralled with this book that I want to give it my full attention and those of you who have children know that that is not possible when chaos is the word that describes my day! So it is on hold and there it will stay until 2 of the 4 children go back to school! In the meantime I have been reading other incredible works of joy!

1. A Far, Far Better Place by Anita Stansfield

Anita Stansfield has long been a favorite author. Her books are easy reads that take me out of my world and into another. She incorporates life struggles and faith. In this series Chas is the owner of a quaint little B & B that is obsessed with Charles Dickens. Which means my curiosity is now sparked. I will be diving into Dickens soon! The setting makes me want to go on vacation to a nice COLD spot since it is about a thousand degrees here in AZ right now. I love how the characters have their struggles and work through them in a healthy way. That's all I am going to say about that since I don't want to give anything away:)

2. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

Can I just say I am now a fan of Mr. Sparks! This is a very high school meets the real world book. I like how the main character, Ronnie, comes out of her selfish ways to become a beautiful person. She finds an identity beyond the one that her parents want her to have. Not that her talent with the piano is negative in any way, but it is something she discovered as a child. I feel like it is important especially for girls to find out who they are before they delve into being a wife and mother. I am so glad this had the happy ending I was looking for. It was fun to escape to the beach with this book! Can't wait to see the movie;)

3. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

I read this book right after I finished "The Last Song" so I was still in Nicholas Sparks mode. I don't want to give anything away for those of you who haven't read it yet so this is an official **SPOILER ALLERT**.

I don't quite know how I feel about how this book ended. You could tell throughout the book that something was going to happen with Tim and Savannah. On the one hand Tim is such a great guy and you love to see him get the girl because he certainly deserves happiness. On the other hand John and Savannah have that undeniable connection that says they should be together. Why do both men have to be so good and honorable? This would be so much easier if one of them was horrible or even a little bit bad in some way, but they both have their qualities that draw you to them! Darn you Mr. Sparks!

4. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I am about half way through this sequel to "The Hunger Games". I am hooked! I will post more when I am finished with it!

What is next!! I always love to have a book waiting for me. Here is what I am considering. Got any opinions or prefrences please share!!

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Fablehaven book 5: Keys to the Demon Prison by Brandon Mull

I do have some books coming in the mail soon so that may sway my interests in a different direction all together!


  1. Hey Kristy! Ok I have a question for you about Dear John. I didn't read the book but I saw the movie. In the movie it ends with Tim dying (after being at home for 2 months thanks to John's donation), and then John and Savanna happen to see each other sometime in the future at restaurant and kind of implies that that is their second chance. Is that how the book ended?
    The whole thing bugged me because Tim knew the whole time how much Savanna loved John... and why can't Savanna be there for Alan even if she's not technically his step mom (the movie implied Tim only married her because he wanted someone to be there for Alan after he died)? Again... this is all based on the movie, maybe they make it seem more logical in the book.

    I'm also excited that you're reading the Hunger Games series! I love those! Can't wait for the last one to come out!

    We missed seeing you at Ashlyn's wedding! I kept looking for ya at the reception! :( Guess we'll have to get together next time!

  2. Sounds like the movie ends way different than the book. In the book Tim doesn't die! It ends with John watching Tim and Savannah on their ranch. That did bug me about Alan too. She didn't seem to care about him as much as you would think she should being that she majored in Special Ed!

    I already have the next humger games ordered! It comes out in August just in time for the peace and quiet of children in school:)

    I would like to say we had a fabulous excuse for missing Ashlyn's wedding but regretfully all I can come up with is that we are simply overwhelmed with life right now. You know the whole getting bills paid, keeping kids fed and happy, making sure the house and yard are not a complete disaster! We are sorry we missed you too! I had gumbo night in the back of my head the whole time. Sorry we didn't make it happen:(

    I saw that Parker is reading Harry Potter! I started reading them with Porter but didn't get very far until Samantha demanded my attention! He is reading Leven Thumps right now.

  3. Sounds like they turned it into a Hollywood ending!
    I definitely understand about being overwhelmed! We'll have to plan someone next time we are there!
    Parker is reading Harry Potter and loves it! Luckily he reads it on his own otherwise he wouldn't get too far with me! :) I read Percy Jackson at the same time as him and he was ahead of me the whole time. He loves to read. I'll probably have to stop him when he gets to the 4th Harry Potter book though since I'm not sure he's old enough for when the story gets darker. We'll see. I'll have to check out Leven Thumps. I haven't heard of that. We have Fablehaven and Peter and the Starcatchers that he's excited to read!
